Thursday, July 28, 2022

How Con-Men Get Off Scot-Free: the “Think System.”

Donald Trump has always reminded me of another great con-man— “Professor” Harold Hill in “The Music Man.” The phony professor—who in reality knew nothing about music—conned people into believing they would somehow instinctively “know” how to play musical instruments by merely “thinking” about a nice tune. No other instruction was provided—because Hill had no actual skill and no actual plan other than absconding with the money he had bilked from the townspeople. 

Similarly, Trump conned his “patriots” into believing that they could stage a coup d’état by merely “thinking” about a nice government overthrow. No other direct instruction was provided by Trump, who himself had no clear plan (other than staying in office and on TV for four more years), but who apparently figured that his “think system” would work and that those goons and village idiots would somehow instinctively “know” and DO what was necessary to keep him in office. 

They did stuff, of course—but it was as disastrously horrible as Professor Hill’s boys’ band’s rendition of Beethoven’s Minuet in G. 

So here’s my question:  can a con-man who basically DOES NOTHING—other than rile up and encourage people to “think about”fantasies—be charged with a crime? If so, what crime? Stupidity? Selfishness? 
Laziness? Greed? Assholery? All of these behaviors are, of course, deplorable—but surely too widespread to be criminalized, lest most of the populace wind up in prison. No, only the people who actually DID something illegal—breaking, entering, assault, etc.—i.e, only the village idiots—will ever be brought to trial. Certainly not the do-nothing con-man-in-chief.

The con-men, Professor Hill and Donald Trump, both get off scot-free.

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