Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trade War Centrifugal Bumblepuppy

How to play Trade War Centrifugal Bumblepuppy:

1.  Promise to Make America Great Again
2.  Start a Trade War with China in order to Make America Great Again
3.  Give soybean farmers $12 billion when they lose markets while Making America Great Again
4.  Ratchet up the Trade War in order to make China pay for Making America Great Again
5.  Make America Great Again by giving all Americans money to pay for shoes and washing machines made in China because no shoes or washing machines are made in America
6.  Invade Iran in order to confiscate their oil in order to pay for the soybean bailout and the washing machine subsidy in order to win the Trade War with China and Make America Great Again
7.  Declare that Mission is Accomplished and America is Great Again
8.  Borrow money from China to pay for the Iran war to Make America Great Again
9.  Discover that America ISN’T Great Again anymore because it owes China money for the Iran war to Make America Great Again
10. Start new Trade War with China in order to Make America Great Again Again.

Game starts over