Sunday, January 28, 2018

Shithole Lemonade

I’m amused by pundits who Twitter and titter about the “threat” of Trump being “blackmailed.” How can you “blackmail” a cult leader who, by his own assessment, could shoot someone dead in the middle of Fifth Avenue and still lose no support from the faithful?Even if the Russians—or anyone—produced indisputable evidence of criminal behavior—political, financial or sexual—Trump’s votaries (think Sarah Sanders) would simply declare these crimes heroic defenses of religious freedom and The American Way of Life. And they could quite possibly succeed in re-electing him on that platform. This is why I think that Trump is not seriously threatened by the Mueller investigation. Of course, he’d like it to go away (so he could devote more of his precious executive time to “deal-making”), but if the shit DOES hit the fan, he will just use it to make shithole lemonade. And proceed to sell the stuff as a patriotic nectar. That’s his modus operandi—and that’s how cults work.😣