Saturday, June 16, 2018

Living in a Bullshit World.

People keep asking, “What did he MEAN ?” He didn’t mean ANYTHING, my dear credulous friends. What he said was BULLSHIT, and bullshitters don’t say stuff in order to convey information or to “make sense.” They say stuff (usually made up on the spur of the moment) to create an emotional response in their audience. The SHOW is the message.

In other words, this is a world where 2 + 2 equals 3, 5, 26, 789, whatever you like, and, oh yes, sometimes— but only coincidentally or accidentally—4. Just don’t count on it. 

Because there are no reliable rules. And very little can be counted on.

In a universe where bullshit reigns, human reason, logic, and language can no longer impose the order of decency and the security of stable government. All reverts to primordial chaos. Make America Great Again by destroying the very underpinnings of civilization?? Yes, that seems to be what’s happening. 

In the world of bullshit, the biggest turd is king.