Monday, November 30, 2020

The Trump Apostles’ Creed

I believe in Oh My God (OMG),
the Father almighty,
Creator of money and property ,
and in Donald Trump, his Instrument, our Lord,
who was conceived by Fox News,
born of Twitter,
suffered under Joseph Biden,
was defeated, lost, and humiliated by nasty people;
he descended into CNN,
on Inauguration Day, he stomped out of the House;
he ascended into Mar-a-Lago
and is seated at the right hand of his toady Lindsey Graham;
from thence he will attempt to overthrow the election results and Make America Grate Again.
I believe in Holy Hyperbole, 
the holy GOP,
the collusion of conmen, 
the forgiveness of cheating, 
the resurrection of the Proud Boys,
and lying everlasting.

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