Saturday, October 31, 2020

Secret Trump Voters

Remember Jerry Lundegaard in “Fargo”? If he were voting in this election, I suspect that he would be a “secret Trumpster”—someone who would tell a poll-taker that (like any “good” used-car salesman) he loved decency and compassion and would, of course, vote for Biden. But, in the privacy of the voting booth, he would practically break his pencil in his enthusiasm to release all his hatreds and put an X in the Trump box: blacks, gays, Jews, Mexicans, Muslims, feminists, atheists—not to mention inconvenient wives—all consigned to the Trump woodchipper. In my neck of the woods, these “nice” guys with plodding reptilian brains are much more worrisome—because they are undoubtedly more numerous—than the unapologetically “tough-guy” MAGA-hatters.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Excise Trump, Then Eradicate The Disease

Some diseases are latent, dormant, (some types of TB, for instance) and never manifest themselves unless the body’s immune system becomes too weak to control them. I think something like this is happening to America. Since our very childhood as a nation, we have been infected with racism, xenophobia, religious bigotry, know-nothingism. Our immune system (constitutional structures, judicial conventions, general apathy) has mostly contained the worst flareups, with the notable exception of the Civil War. But now, the constitutional T-cells seem truly worn out. So the infections are taking over. Trump is simply the most prominent carbuncle produced by the current resurgence of the systemic illnesses. I hope we will soon lance this particularly disgusting boil. But, even if Trump is excised, a boil is just a symptom. The deeper question is: can the immune system itself ever recover? And can it ever succeed, as it has never before done, in completely eradicating the sometimes dormant, but hitherto always lurking, American Dumbness Disorder?


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Why Debate?

Apparently good ol’ Uncle Joe is conscientiously preparing for the final debate, whereas stable genius Trump is blithely ranting at super-spreader rallies. It’s logical, I guess. The general public EXPECTS Biden to manage facts and make sense. No one, however, especially his votaries, has even the remotest expectation that Trump will make sense or utter anything other than whatever addlepated bullshit pops into his head at the moment. The base will roar with approval, even if he does nothing more than belch. And if he shoots himself on Fifth Avenue, well, they will STILL vote for him. So it goes.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Be Afraid.

This is Donald.
Donald is very brave. 
He is not afraid of Covid.
He is not afraid of oxygen masks.
He is not afraid of helicopter rides to hospitals.
He is not afraid of needles and tubes.
He is not afraid of pricey experimental drugs.
Donald will not let Covid dominate his life.
He will continue to take joyrides in hermetically sealed SUVs
    for photo ops.
He will continue to sign blank executive orders
    for photo ops.
He will continue to make ridiculous military salutes on the Truman Balcony 
    for photo ops.
He will not wear a mask. 
He is not afraid.
He is very brave.
He is very delusional.
Don’t be like Donald.
Be afraid.